The Story...

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Russel and Anneke, established 9.24.2011

Friday, April 3, 2009

El fin de semana uno

It's really interesting, culture. For instance, to a Spaniard, there are only 5 continents: Europa, Asia, Africana, Oceanica, y America. And you also can't cash checks. Estoy un problema!


Today though, was the true test of my listening and speaking skills that I have learned in week one. I went to the Correos, to send the package. I had no idea what to do, so I filled out a sheet, similar to the one that you would fill out at Kinkos or a Post Office in the US. Plus everyone else was doing it. Cuando en Roma, si?


My number was finally called. After much finger pointing and gesturing, and my simple phrase,Necisito enviar... (which is where it ended because I didn't think to look up the word for package), the clerk got the gist. But then, it happened. Tu quieres lkajs;dlfabngt;at? She asked, pointing to my slip with the address that I had filled out. Uhhh… (it’s the same in both languages) But what is the difference? She responded, but I didn’t know what she said. Mas rapido? No… Will it still get there if I send it without this slip? I asked. Aqui, she tells me, turning her computer screen. There is a two euro difference in the price. Meanwhile, I still have no idea what this strange word means. Si, solo ordinario, I replied. She laughed, looked at me, and laughed again. Lo siento! I’m sorry, I told her. Es no problem, she tells me. Yankees.


Did you know, although this has yet to be confirmed with literature, that when the monarchy in Spain changed to a combination monarchy-parliament, they made all the residents of Santander princes and princesses in order to bypass the land tax that was upon the citizens of the monarchy? No wonder some of these reyes are going to drown when it rains… and rain it does.


Tomorrow is spear throwing day… more exciting stories to come!

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