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Russel and Anneke, established 9.24.2011

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Los Estados Unidos versus Europe

So of course, there are differences between the continents of Europe and North America. Over the last two weeks, I've been able to pick out a few key differences, and list them here. Some are pretty obvious, and others can only be discerned when living in the country. 

United States vs. Europe

Big bananas- Small bananas

Big trucks taking up three parking spaces- Smart cars taking up one third of a parking space

Women running in short shorts- Men running in short shorts

Businesswomen dressed all in black: black jacket, black slacks, black stockings, black shoes- Businesswomen dressed all in hot pink: pink jackets, pink slacks, pink fishnets, pink shoes

Bums obscured in the dumpster- Well dressed older men with a shepherd's caps and leather jackets obscured in the dumpster

More people speak Spanish that English- More people speak English than just Spanish

Salt- Salted meat in the window of shops

People dressed in unicolor velour sweat suits- People dressed in anti-directional stripes (oh yes, tops, bottoms, tights, leg warmers, and hair ties)

Foreign shows or movies with subtitles- Dubbed shows and movies; the mouth never matches the words

Small computers and telephones- Small showers and dishwashers

1 comment:

  1. I love this one!

    You observe & synthesize--very well!

    My fav: the language proficiency lol. soooo true.

    & then well bananas. tiny. LARGE. are always funny.

    Miss you!
